
Friday, March 15, 2013

What I Ate Today 3-15-13

My Breakfast's are pretty boring, now I know that a Latte isn't the best of options for breakfast, but hey it's what I like! I normally have a banana as well, but I'm out!

16 oz nonfat single iced Caramel Butterscotch Latte

  It's Friday, so we normally go to Subway after I pick my son up from Pre-School

6-inch BMT on a Flatbread, with lettuce, cucumber & banana peppers. Sun Chips & a Diet Coke

 I was dragging a little bit this afternoon, so I needed a little something to keep me going. I turned to my regular

Shaklee 180™ Energizing Tea Green Matcha Flavor

Baked Chicken & Mushrooms over rice 

I almost always finish the night with a cup of tea, tonight's choice was Morrocan Mint Green Tea with honey 

I was happy with how I did with my eating today, I felt it went pretty well. Have a great night, and I'll see you again tomorrow :) 

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