
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - March 18, 2013

We had a much better week! Things are getting back to what we consider normal in our crazy life! My Princess is back to her normal self, my little man has caught himself a little cold, but nothing to keep him down!

Here's the plan for coming week! Doesn't look like we have too busy of a week, which I am liking! The kids will love it too, more time outside playing (if the weather behaves!)

Monday - Pork Tenderloin & Creamy Skillet Potatoes
Tuesday - Mini Turkey Meatloaves & a Green Salad
Wednesday - Chicken Tenders with Zucchini Boats
Thursday - Crockpot Chicken with potatoes & carrots
Friday - Chicken Sausage and homemade fries

One of these days I'll get my recipes posted, so at least there will be links to the meals!

Linking Up to:  I'm an Organizing JunkieErin Branscom, SusieQTpies Cafe  

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