
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Coming in October, 31 Days of Smoothies

I'm so excited!!!
Starting October 1st, I'll be doing 31 days of Smoothies! What does this mean? A new Smoothie everyday.

Here are a few you can expect to see:
Watermelon Chiller
Sunshine Smoothie
Strawberry Almond Smoothie
Strawberry-Banana Smoothie
Cinnamon Chai Smoothie
Apple Magic
Purple Pick-Me-Up
Pineapple Orange Mango Smoothie
Banana Split Smoothie  

Don't want to miss a day? Then be sure to sign-up below, and they will delivered directly to your inbox daily!


31 Days of Smoothies!

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1 comment:

  1. Love your smoothie round oup! Pinning from Diana Rambles party/
