
Monday, June 3, 2013

Watermelon Salad

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One of my favorite things to eat in the summertime is WATERMELON!!

I came across this recipe the other day and just knew I had to make it!

I enjoyed it at lunch with my Pina Colada Smoothie, but this salad will go perfect with pretty much anything! I'm thinking grilled Chicken Breasts and this salad will be a great quick hot summer night dinner!

There's really no real "recipe" to follow! I just cubed up some watermelon, added pomegranate seeds (I'm lazy and buy them already seeded), chopped fresh mint (I have fresh Spearmint in my herb garden that I used) and some fresh lime juice (I just cut the end off a small lime and squeezed)!

I came across this salad here 

You can find this recipe linked up HERE

The Mandatory Mooch 





  1. Found you from the Naptime Review and new GFC follower. I'm excited to see your other posts!

    The Princess & Her Cowboys

  2. Your photos are making my mouth water. I love watermelon - it is the taste of summer!

    1. Thank you :) Yes, watermelon is for sure the taste of summer!

  3. I love the added pomegranate seeds! NOM NOM

  4. Fantastic! Your photos are beautiful, and this looks so gorgeous and refreshing!

  5. What a gorgeous recipe! I do believe I have everything I need to whip this up. Like, right now. :) Perfect for a hot summer day such as this! Thanks for sharing!

    By the way, I've recently "moved" blogs and I'm running a giveaway of my natural skincare products in celebration. Please stop by!

  6. Hi, I'm stopping by from Full Plate Thursday. This looks refreshing and so good! I have never thought of adding pomegranate seeds! Beautiful!
    Glad to be your new follower!

  7. HI! Found you on Seven Alive blog hop. This looks great. I definitely want to make this! Now following on Bloglovin'
    ~Jackie @ The Non-Martha Momma

  8. Looking goooood! We would love it if you would link up at our linky party:
    Two Girls and a Party
    Live every Wednesday to Sunday. Hosted by:
    Dana @ This Silly Girl's Life
    Parrish @ Life with the Crust Cut Off
    We hope to see you there!

  9. Really looks great :)

    We'd love to have you link this post up at our 1st SUPER SUNDAY Linky Party!

    Not Your Average Super Moms!

  10. Oh my, watermelon is my absolute favorite, and anything's good with pomegranate,so this looks like a real winner. And it's beautiful to the eye as well. thanks for sharing! Visiting for the first time from Hungry for God . . . Starving for Time and glad I did!

  11. Love fresh watermelon salads! And yours looks delish!

    Thanks for bringing it over to Super Sunday! Hope to see you next week!

  12. This looks delicious! I will have to make this for the weekend!

  13. This looks amazing! I am a new from southern charm! I would love for you to check out my blog and hopefully follow me back! Nicole

  14. Hope you are having a great week and thank you so much for sharing your awesome recipe with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  15. That does look really refreshing!! And simple!!
    Thanks for sharing at Monday Funday Link Party!
    Have An Extraordinary Day!

  16. I was just looking at some watermeon at Sam's Club yesterday and thinking how else to serve it. Thanks for the tip!!

    The Wondering Brain

  17. I think these kinds of fresh fruits a lovely to have it during summer and I like it very much.

  18. This look Amazing! Yum! I bet it would be good with cilantro, too. (I like it on anything, though)

  19. Hi Sara! I love this and I featured you over at Monday Funday! Thanks for partying with us! Pinning to our Pinterest board as well!

  20. Congratulations!
    Your recipe is featured on Full Plate Thursday this week. Hope you have a fabulous week and enjoy your new Red Plate.
    Come Back Soon,
    Miz Helen

  21. This look Amazing! Yum! I bet it would be excellent with cilantro, too. (I like it on anything, though)

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